Monday, January 1, 2007

Minority Status

According to my mother, we no longer have to check the "Caucasian" box when asked our race. I am now "Appalachian," and we are considered a minority. :) We are among the last cultural groups which are still acceptable to make fun of (e.g. Beverly Hillbillies). While I may not strike you as the redneck type, remember that cultural groups do not distinguish based on IQ, income, or education. The fact that I actual speak English correctly does not make me any less of an Appalachian than the next native (Think of how big of an uproar there would be if an African-American were denied protection simply because they come from an affluent household).

So, this affluent German/Scots-Irish white boy is now a minority thanks to my ancestors that settled in the Appalachian Mountains many, many generations ago, and thanks to the fact that none of them chose to leave. Ironic, eh?

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